Promiscuous promises

Nelly Furtado - Promiscuous Girl
............................ Attempting to STEP where no CROW has STEPPED before .............................. *Hey sister, go sister, soul sister, flow sister* *Hey sister, blog sister, type sister, load sister*
My sister has had mini hamsters, or if called by their proper name - Russian Dwarf hamsters for as long as i can remember : ) They're adorable little creatures but can be quite vicious - they have a mean bite and can pounce on your finger like little tigers. These variety of hamsters don't multiply as fast as the normal big ones and aren't as stupid as the big ones (she's kept both types before). With the big hamsters, its like the Lights are on but nobody's home... However, we've seen quite a few multiplications at home and especially recently. Currently there are four large cages of those lil critters, separated by gender so they don't mate again ; )
An Italian man wants a job, but the foreman won't hire him until he passes a little maths test
Excuse me for feeling
This moment is critical
Might be me feeling
It could get physical, oh no, no no
Even though the gods are crazy
Even though the stars are blind
If you show me real love baby
I'll show you mine
I can make you nice and naughty
Be the devil and angel too
Got a heart and soul and body
Let's see what this love can do
Let's see what this love can do
Baby I'm perfect for you
Baby I'm perfect for you
Even though the gods are crazy
Even though the stars are blind
Even though the gods are crazy
Even though the stars are blind