Goo goo ga ga?

I so, so wanna watch Littleman. I loved White Chicks to death and im sure i will love this show : ) I know several people who watched White Chicks more than 5 times, including my own co-blogger hehe. I mean, who can help it? The Wayan brothers are seriously nuttier than any siblings you can see in show biz these days (and i don't mean Paris-Nikki or Jessica-Ashlee nutty) I still remember weeks after we watched that stupid movie, we were dancing like Latrell during our Christmas eve clubbing session. Absolutely mad. In my personal opinion, White Chicks was the funniest movie ever made. And til today, the record still stands in my books ; )
I don't know bout u guys, but i think that these guys seriously have talent. These are the brothers who directed, co-wrote and starred in the Scary Movies that almost spooked the laughing gas out of everyone. Would you even think about spoofing so many different horror movies in such a non-sensical manner? Best part is - it actually gels into a continuous story.